Vitajte na stránke Erasmus+
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Najnovší projekt realizovaný v roku 2024
O projekte napísali Viktória Sadová a Zuzana Čičáková
Erasmus is a program founded by the European Union, to help people from different countries in Europe learn and work together. Originally, it was just for university students to study abroad for a few months. But now, it’s grown to include other things like vocational training and youth exchanges.
The goal of Erasmus is to make education better by giving people the chance to live and study in another country. It helps them learn new languages, understand different cultures, and gain valuable skills. The program also supports projects that improve education and bring people together from different countries. Erasmus works through partnerships between schools, businesses, and organizations in different countries. It gives money to students and teachers to help with travel and living expenses when they go abroad. It also funds projects and activities that promote cooperation and innovation in education. In 2014, Erasmus became part of a bigger program called Erasmus+, which includes even more activities like school education and sports. Erasmus+ has a lot of money set aside to support its projects and help more people benefit from its opportunities.
Overall, Erasmus is important, because it helps people from all over Europe learn from each other and grow together. It’s one of the European Union’s most successful programs, and millions of people have taken part in it since it started.
We had this great opportunity to be part of the Erasmus plus project. Our trip to Alicante in Spain lasted two weeks, during which we stayed in hotel Villa San Joan, and visited the Escuela Europea de Alicante (The European School of Alicante), where we attended many different and interesting lessons in numerous languages. Our visit started with a very warm welcome, and a heartwarming speech from our student Šimon, and this nice atmosphere continued on, until the rest of our stay in the school. On the last day, one of the school cooks prepared their national dish, called Paella, for us.
But every day after school, we went exploring the city and its mysteries. We saw the beautiful streets of Alicante, bought many souvenirs, tasted good food, took lots of pictures and thankfully did not get lost. We also caught a bit of sun on the long beaches of Campello, Alicante and San Joan. We took a bit of a hike on Mount Benacantil to see the Castillo de Santa Bárbara (Castle of the Saint Bárbara) and learn some history. One of our days, we dedicated solely to see Valencia and the L’Oceanogràfic, where we learned about different types of sea life, and ended the day with a dolphin show and a three hour long train ride back to the hotel.
All of us enjoyed these two weeks very much and brought home not only a lot of memories, but also a lot of knowledge, experiences and even friendships and hope that in the future, we will have more opportunities to travel, discover and enjoy, just like this.